Dataplex Premium処理ティアの課金体系が変更されます

Dataplex Premium処理ティアの課金体系が変更されます

Clock Icon2025.01.20

2025/01/14に[SKUs Change] Some existing Dataplex SKUs will be replaced by BigQuery SKUs after April 13, 2025というタイトルでDataplexの課金モデルが変更される件についてメール通知されましたので内容をまとめました。


2025/04/13から、Dataplexの[Dataplex Premium処理、Dataplex Metadata Storage]機能がBigQueryと課金を統一されるようになります。これに合わせて課金のラベルも変更になります。

  • Dataplex Premium 処理SKU
    現在DCU時間単位で課金されているDataplex Premium処理SKUが、BigQuery Data GovernanceSKUに移行するとのことです。新しいSKUではBigQueryスロット時間数に基づいて課金されます。現在のDCU時間とBigQueryスロット時間の間で1:1の変換が適用され、消費する計算ユニット数には影響はないそうです。

  • Dataplex Metadata Storage SKU
    DataplexメタデータストレージSKUが、BigQuery Data Governance Metadata StorageSKUに移行します。価格と課金容量に変更はないです。



現在のDataplex SKU 現在の価格 新しいBigQuery SKU 新しい価格
Dataplex Premium 処理 $0.114 /DCU-hr BigQuery Data Governance $0.115 /slot-hr
Dataplex Metadata Storage $2 per GiB per month BigQuery Data Governance Metadata Storage $2 per GiB per month

Dataplex Premium処理は$0.001上がっていますがDataplex Metadata Storageは変更ないことがわかります。また$0.001上がっていますがこれは小数点2桁に四捨五入されるため影響は最小限との記載がありました。

due to rounding the unit price off to 2 decimal spaces





現在のDataplex課金ラベル 新しいBigQuery課金ラベル
goog-dataplex-datascan-id bq-governance-datascan-id
goog-dataplex-datascan-job-id bq-governance-datascan-job-id
goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-project bq-governance-datascan-data-source-project
goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-region bq-governance-datascan-data-source-region
goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-lake bq-governance-datascan-data-source-lake
goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-zone bq-governance-datascan-data-source-zone
goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-entity bq-governance-datascan-data-source-entity
goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-dataset bq-governance-datascan-data-source-dataset
goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-table bq-governance-datascan-data-source-table
goog-dataplex-datascan-data-source-bucket bq-governance-datascan-data-source-bucket
goog-dataplex-workload-type bq-governance-workload-type
goog-dataplex-system-type bq-governance-source-type
goog-dataplex-api-location bq-governance-api-location


Dataplex Standard 処理SKUおよびData Catalog APIの料金体系は変更がないとのことです。





We’re writing to inform you that starting after April 13, 2025, billing for some Dataplex features will be unified with BigQuery. This means you will be billed under BigQuery SKUs instead of Dataplex-specific SKUs.

This change is part of our effort to offer a unified data and AI platform. This unified platform aims to streamline your data needs from engineering and governance to AI – into a single, integrated experience. This will simplify your operations and accelerate your data-driven initiatives.

The changes we are implementing to product billing and metering will simplify how you purchase and use Google Cloud data and analytics products.

Here are the key benefits of unified billing and metering:

Understand your usage across all products and services
Streamline how you buy data and analytics capabilities
Manage your data and AI solution spending more efficiently
This unified approach will help you accelerate your data and AI initiatives and achieve your business goals faster.

We understand this change may require some planning, and we have provided additional information below to help you with the transition.

What you need to know
Starting after April 13, 2025:

Your billing will transition from the Dataplex premium processing SKU (currently charged in DCU-hours) to the new BigQuery Data Governance SKU (charged in slot-hours). A 1:1 conversion will be applied between today’s DCU-hours to slot-hours. Note that there is no impact to the number of compute units you consume.
Similarly, we will be moving the Dataplex Metadata Storage SKU to the BigQuery Data Governance Metadata Storage SKU, with the same price point and metering unit.
Billing Changes

Pricing impact will be minimal. If you’re using the Dataplex Premium Processing SKU, price will be adjusted from $0.089/DCU-hr to $0.09/slot-hr in us-central1, with similar changes in other regions.

Here is an example of the updated SKU and price changes for Iowa region (us-central1):
You can view the updated SKUs model across all regions on this pricing page.

Label Changes
The following billing labels will also be adjusted to align with the BigQuery pricing model:
What is not changing
Dataplex standard processing SKU, Data Catalog API charges will remain the same as detailed here.

What you need to do
We suggest you review your internal processes and financial reporting systems to ensure these changes do not cause any impact.


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